The first woman President? Edith Wilson, the
wife of Woodrow Wilson, served as acting President
for 1 1/2 years. When her husband suffered a
stroke, and because the Constitution had not yet
been amended to appoint the Vice-President in his
place, Mrs. Wilson handled the Presidential affairs
aptly, filling vacancies and administering foreign
policy. Some called it the " Petticoat
Government.'' but this was meant as slur.
History Quiz #28
Who was the first wife of a President to
be called the "First Lady" Answer:
Inventing the airplane was one part of the
Wright brothers story, proving it was another.
Being simple bicycle mechanics they were not
prepared for the onslaught of greedy entrepreneurs
that would try to steal their invention and claim
it for themselves. Weakened and exhausted by the
legal battles over the patent, Wilbur Wright would
die before every receiving the public recognition,
or the monetary compensation given by the courts
which eventually sided with them
Quiz#29 What State Capital was once named
"Pigs Eye" Answer:
The Trail of Tears refers to the forced exile
of the Cherokee Indians under the "Indian Removal
Act" of 1830. It forced 17,000 Cherokee's from
their lands in Georgia to reservations in Oklahoma,
many having to walk barefoot. 4000 died of disease,
hunger, and cold along the way.
Quiz#30 Which President's wife was and
expert equestrian, often riding alone to deliver
messages to troops? Answer:
In 1891 Edison installed electricity in the
White House. William Henry Harrison was so afraid
of of the new divice that he refused to touch the
switches and slept with all the lights burning
through the night until the White House engineer
would come on duty in the morning.
Quiz#31 Who was the first to designate
the Presidential Mansion as "The White House"?
The Boston tea party did not happen because
the British raised the price of tea, but because
they lowered it. Such a huge black market existed,
that a cheaper British tea threatened to make the
the smuggling of tea unprofitable. Angered, not
only by the loss of the tea trade but also by the
monopolistic practice of the British East India
Trade Co., colonial traders joined the radicals
agitating for independence.
Quiz#32 What famous communist once worked
as a correspondent for the New York Tribune?
The "eye for an eye" order was given by
Abraham Lincoln. Issued in 1863 during the Civil
War that the Union would shoot a Confederate
prisoner for every black Union prisoner shot, and
would condemn a Confederate prisoner to hard labor
for life for every black prisoner sold into
slavery. The order was meant to deter Confederates
from murdering or enslaving captured black
Quiz#33 What part of the United States
did the Japanese occupy during WWII? Answer: