As Teddy
Roosevelt was preparing to give a speech for
his Bull Moose Party, an attempted assassin put a
bullet in his chest. That did not deter the old
"Rough Rider". Refusing medical help, he gave a 40
minute speech with the slug still in him.
History Quiz
#7 Where did the largest earthquake
East of the Mississippi occur? Answer:
Souvenir hunters
began disconnecting North America's first
transcontinental railway almost as soon as it was
completed. The two Golden Spikes were removed after
the formal ceremony at Promontory, Utah. This
failed to deter the theft of 12 spikes, 6 ties, and
2 pair of rails within a few days afterward.
History Quiz
#8 Who
said, "Yes, the president should resign. He
has lied to the American people, time and time
again, and betrayed their trust. He is no longer an
effective leader. Since he has admitted guilt,
there is no reason to put the American people
through an impeachment."? Answer:
The most decorated unit in US military
history was formed primarily by enlistees from the
U.S. concentration camps for Japanese Americans?
Despite being forced into the camps during World
War II, many of the Japanese Americans wanted to
prove their patriotism. Their unit was nicknamed
the Go For Broke Brigade and the Purple Heart
History Quiz
#9 What Religious Denomination has
had the most members become President? Answers:
The greatest hero
of World War I entered the army as a
Pacifist. Though Sergeant York had deep religeous
convictions against fighting in any war, he also
had a sense of duty to his country. Eventually he
would use the sharpshooting skills that he had
learned hunting turkeys in the back hills of
Tennessee, to capture 132 Germans, with only 8
other American soldiers.
History Quiz
#10 We celebrate Memorial Day on the
last Monday in May, but Holiday once a had another
name. What was The original name? Answer:
The Battle of Bunker
Hill never took place. The colonials were
supposed to dig in on Bunker Hill, but for some
reason chose Breeds Hill instead, a smaller hill
about 2000 feet away. Although the British
succeeded in taking the hill, they lost over 1000
men doing it. The colonials lost about 400. Later
to avoid confusion, they renamed Breeds Hill.
History Quiz
#11 What motivated the British to set fire
to Washington D.C. during the War of 1812? Answer:
Marching to the Little Big Horn, George
Armstrong Custer was accompanied by 30 Arikaras, 6
Crow, and 4 Sioux Indians that he had hired as
scouts. They informed Custer that he was hopelessly
outnumbered and should wait for reinforcements. But
not wanting to share the glory Custer insisted on
pressing the attack. One of the Crow scouts shed
his uniform saying that since he was going meet the
Great Spirit, he wanted to be dressed as an Indian
not a white man. Enraged Custer fired all the
Indians, thus saving their lives.
Quiz#12 By what better name do we know the
music from the British drinking song "To Anacreon
in Heaven"? Answer:
By 1779, as many as one in seven Americans in
Washington's army was black! At first Washington
was hesitant about enlisting blacks. But when he
heard they had fought well at Bunker Hill, he
changed his mind. The all-black First Rhode Island
Regiment -- composed of 33 freedmen and 92 slaves
who were promised freedom if they served until the
end of the war -- distinguished itself in the
Battle of Newport. Later, they were all but wiped
out in a British attack.
Quiz#13 What President was responsible for
putting "Under God" into the Pledge of Alliegence?