The Epitaph of Benjamin
Franklin's The body of Benjamin Franklin,
Printer, (Like the cover of an old book, its
contents torn out and stript of its lettering and
gilding), Lies here, food for worms; But the work
shall not be lost, for it will (as he believed)
appear once more in a new and more elegant edition,
revised and corrected by the author--(written by
Quiz#14 What woman has had the most statues
in the United States made in her honor? Answer:
William Howard Taft, the heaviest President
of the U.S., (weighing 332 lbs.), got stuck in the
White House tub the first time he used it. A larger
one was soon purchased.
Quiz#15 How many people signed the
Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776?
History's first submarine attack took place
in New York Harbor in 1776! The Connecticut
inventor David Bushnell called his submarine the
Turtle because it resembled two large tortoise
shells of equal size joined together. On September
6, 1776, the Turtle targeted the HMS Eagle,
flagship of the British fleet. The submarine was
supposed to secure a cask of gunpowder to the hull
of the Eagle and sneak away before it exploded.
Unfortunately, the Turtle got entangled with the
Eagle's rudder bar, lost ballast and surfaced
before the gunpowder could be planted.
Quiz#16 What was the first state to
allow women to vote? Answer:
Some controversy exists on whether Betsy Ross
really sewed the first American Flag. But her
commitment to the cause of American Independence is
not in dobut. She manufactured munitions in the
basement of her home.
Quiz#17 Who successfully defended the
British Soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre?
The Pony express cut the time it took for
mail to go from Missouri to California from 3 weeks
to just 10 days. However, it was considered so
dangerous, that it advertised "Orphans
Quiz#18 What President had a candy bar named
for his daughter? Answer:
The Outlaw Wyatt Earp?
After the gun fight at the OK Corral, Wyatt
Earp became famous as a law man. But when his
brother Morgan was ambushed and killed while
playing pool, Wyatt took the law into his own hands
and hunted down the alleged killers. He was charged
with murder and fled to California where he tried
to sell his story to Hollywood and actually made an
appearance in films
Quiz#19 In what U.S. city did the term "Skid
Row" originate? Answer:
The longest inaugural address by a U.S.
President was given by William Henry Harrison. It
was one hour and forty-five minutes long during an
intense snowstorm. One month later he died of
Quiz#20 What famous Texan lived with
the Cherokee Indians for 3 years in his youth, and
took the name "Black Raven"? Answer: