Well organized, easy to navigate
Informative and comprehensive
Unique and interesting
Frustrated by my own attempts at navigating the vast amount of historical information on the web, I have compiled here what I consider to be the most helpful resources. Don't miss my other favorites web sites, with many great links for building your own web site here
Other Great Sites
- Biography.com
Says its the Webs Best Bios and I agree. When I am looking for information on historical people, I'm rarely disappointed here.
- Presidential Falderol
A concise look at at interesting facts on our commanders-in-chiefs. With links to much more information.
- Home of Heroes
This site will inspire you as it remembers those who risked their lives for our freedom.
- The Underground Railroad
Don't just study about slavery, experience it. This interactive site from National Geographic asks you to become a slave and choose a life of servitude or do you dare the dangerous escape.
- The History Net
Probably the most comprehensive history site on the Web. Lots of good reading in a well organized and easy to navigate format.
- The History Channel
Filled with great reading but there is much more to do. Message boards, games, travel info.
- The Great American Web Site
Looking for info on our Government? This is a great place to start.
- The History Place
Another great place for history buffs to spend some time at.
- United States History Web Site
For trivia buffs to test their metal.
- American Memory
From the Library of Congress. Not a half vast resource. Fact its staggering in the amount of content. Have some time.
- History Buff
A fun site, with lots of well organized and interesting info.
- Old News Homepage
All the news that was fit to print. Love to go here and get the perspective of the people who lived through some of the most famous historic events.
- The American Experience
PBS site. Informative site with a wealth of articles.
- The Wild West
If you love to read about the Old West, you'll find interesting and detailed info. here.
- Poetry and Music of the War Between the States
Sound files that will take you back in time.
- Famous Trials of the 20th Century
Fascinating info. on unique historical events.
- History Matters
A good source for personal first hand accounts of history.
- History Happens
An audio history site that will bring back some memories.
- Archiving Early America
Not a huge site, but interesting and worth the visit.
Know good sites I missed? Please e-mail rooscust@sd81.k12.wa.us