FOR WEB MASTERS (Graphics, Fonts,etc.)
- WebStat
I Shopped around and tried numerous free tracker services. This is the best I found.
- Cool Text
Enhance any text with multiple choices.
- Cool Archive
Good place to begin. A huge resource in a well designed format.
- Freelinks
Web resources galore.
- Promotion World
If you are even thinking of putting up a Web Page, don't do it until you visit here first. Great info. about promoting you web sight with Link Exchanges, Search Engines, etc. It sure would have saved me a lot of work doing right the first time.
- Animation On-line
Spark up your Web pages with this easy to use and well done site.
- Chucks Wallpaper and Picture Gallery
One of the best sites I have found for quality photos. I Like to have wallpaper images of places I would rather be.
- Crazy Horse C/W Saloon Dancers Free Graphics
Nice graphic site with my kind of taste. Animals, backgrounds, bars, graphics and more all with a western flavor.
- The Free Site
I spend hours here. Their well organized informative site as been a real aid. If your looking for stuff to add to your web page, don't miss this site.
- MediaBuilder Home Page
If you can't find it here you probably don't need it. Tons of tools for creating your web pages. Graphics, animation, fonts, plus tutorials and mega more. Very nicely categorized for easy navigation.
- Webmasters Only
Don't know how to do it? These people make it easy.
- Mega Web Tools.
A good links directory to turn to when you just can't find the stuff
- A+B+C Graphics
It doesn't get much larger than this. Over 1000 pages of backgrounds.
- Melody Lane
A wonderful collection of old songs and lyrics. Play the songs in midi and sing-a-long. Just the old graphics are worth the time.
- The Fifties web
is a fun way to surf memory lane. If you are among those who remembers 50's America and what was lost, you will enjoy this site.
- Education World
A premier collection of teacher resources and educational web sites.
- Project Vote Smart
A voters self-defense system. Non-partisian and a great resource for voters who like to be informed. There are a few of us.
- CQ'S American Voter
Congressional Quarterly cut's through the rhetoric and finds out what your represent Ives really think. Great articles and lots of info.
- Learn2. com
Household tips and other practical "how-to's"
A sort of the best of the Web, with a lot of interesting articles on a variety of subjects from current news to web hoaxes.
- The Internet Movie Database
We love our classic movies and we're proud of it.
- Folksonline
Whether your a beginning surfer or well traveled on the web, this site has much info. Got a question? Try their message boards. When I really get stumped I usually go to this site.
- Christian Answers Net
Answers in a straight forward logical presentation, yet easy enough for a child to understand. The answer to life's important questions if you can handle it.
- Useless
A trivia site to wile away the hours. But knowledge is never useless.
Know any good sites I missed? Please e-mail